However, there are some things that have helped me. I got tested for it when I was a kid, and definitely had it but never got retested to see proof of improvement. They must think sometimes that I'm doing it on purpose, but I'm really, really not. I frequently feel like an idiot and a jerk because of how often I have to ask people to repeat themselves - I know it's super annoying. If I'm not directly focusing on a person at the moment they start to ask me something, chances are they're going to have to ask again - and it can be hard for other people to think to take the time to properly 'activate' me before they say something to me. However, I was a 'huh?' person even before I started going deaf in that ear. Anyone speaking to me from my left is very much out of luck. I do have deafness in my left ear due to a condition where my ear-bones grew extra bone and as a result, they can't move anymore. I always used to wonder how everyone else seemed to just be able to understand songs so easily on the first listen or two. It kind of blew my mind to recently learn that having difficulty understanding song lyrics without looking them up is apparently an ADHD thing. I have to be lip reading to be able to understand someone well. Sometimes I can completely zone out legit I’ll be looking at them and then I’ll start thinking of something and bam I’m not paying any attention to surrounding or the conversation I only exist in my own head thinking then I’ll snap out and be like uhhhh sorry I didn’t hear that I usually read lips a lot so covid has been horrible with the muffled voices and covered mouths.
#Adhd auditory processing adults tv#
The way I find it is you know that tv show Charlie Brown when ever an adult speaks it’s just muffled noises pretty much identical but less “trombonie” I can be looking directly at them and understand nothing sometimes I can hear the words but they make no sense like either the grammar will be messed up in my head or I don’t link up the words like I don’t understand what the word hey is I’m like what and then all of a sudden I’m like OH HEY right yep. Wait so do you have ADHD like I thought this is a pretty common issue it’s definitely not a physical issue it is definitely a mental issue. The message gets stopped somewhere, and then disappears into the memory.

There's a few things you can understand because you know how arguments go, and there might be a couple words you understand, but there's no way you'll fully understand the argument was about.Īt the end of the day, it's basically a game of telephone, but with your neurons. The best you can do is make educated guesses based on patterns you already know, but even then, it takes a minute to clarify.Īnother example is like listening to an argument in another language.

No matter how loud it is, no one is going to be able to understand it if half the words are missing. The best comparison I can make is having a radio that has bad reception. It's why do many people with ADHD ask people to repeat stuff. You hear it perfectly, but your brain is holding the information hostage and just don't tell you what it was that person just said. You may only get as far as sitting forward.
#Adhd auditory processing adults how to#
You know where the water is, you know how to get up and walk over there to get it, but your brain just won't tell the rest of the body to do it. It makes it hard to get off the couch to go get a glass of water, despite being parched. So ADHD is basically your brain not having enough brain chemicals to fully get a message from the back part of your brain to the front part of the brain. It's so common because of the mechanics of how ADHD are. The specific condition is called Auditory Processing Disorder and it is very common for ADHDers to have it. I love learning new stuff! especially when it's in my field of interest. I will put any information that could benefit you as a comment on this thread. I'm on my summer holidays right now, but I will try to book a meeting with a good friend who's a leading audiologist when I get back. I am just stunned that I can go through that much training with incredibly gifted people and THIS is not mentioned even once. Maybe it's just not something we talk about as all our products are made for hearing impairment in the inner ear. I am 100% sure that what you have found is correct. This is definitely not to question what you have found about your self. Yet, I have never heard of cases where the brain was the reason for hearing impairment. My former university professors and colleagues are leading specialists in hearing loss and hearing impairment. I'm an engineer and I had a lot of courses in auditory signal processing, modelling the human hearing system and in general anatomy of the hearing system.

I work with developing hearing aids in a big international company.